(06-09-24) The Irish Invasion of Canada, 1866 FULL LECTURE

Adam Noyes lectures about the unknown but fascinating Fenian Raids into Canada shortly after the American Civil War. AKA: The Irish Invasion of Canada. Some of the battles that made Canada. Strap yourselves in… this is… a wild story.


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(05-05-24) The True Story of Pelham’s Corner – Battle of Fredericksburg, 1862

A detailed breakdown of the true story of Pelham’s Corner during the Battle of Fredericksburg, 1862. How two Confederate Napoleon cannons, led by Major John Pelham and Captain Mathias W. Henry, halted an entire Union corps.

  • 00:00 – General Lee and Jackson scout the Rappahannock River
  • 00:59 – Fighting in Fredericksburg, Dec 12, 1862
  • 02:27 – General JEB Stuart and Major John Pelham
  • 03:45 – The 1857 Napoleon Smoothbore Cannon
  • 04:21 – Pelham’s Corner Battle
  • 10:50 – Significance of Pelham’s Corner


Bryant, James K. The Battle of Fredericksburg: We Cannot Escape History. The History Press, Charleston, SC, 2010.

Glyer, Peter “Stuart’s Horse Artillery (Part 2) Pelham’s Corner,” Mercer Square. February 18, 2022. https://mercersquare.wordpress.com/2022/02/18/stuarts-horse-artillery-part-2-pelhams-corner/comment-page-1/

Hassler, William W. Colonel John Pelham: Lee’s Boy Artillerist. University of North Carolina Press, 1960. https://archive.org/details/coloneljohnpelha0000hass/page/n9/mode/1up

Person, Gustav. “The Model 1857 12-pounder.” Warfare History Network, August 2010. https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/article/the-model-1857-12-pounder/

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